What i got-
2 joint juice 5.99 BOGO
1 tone body wash 2.99
2 Garnier Cleansers 6.49 BOGO50%
1 Sunkist Soda 1.49
1 Thermacare 3.49
1 Bengay 5.99
4 Royal Gelatin 1.00
2 Pilot Pens 3.99 BOGO
Before Coupons/sales- $51.36
After Sales- $33.62
Total After coupons ( Total paid out of pocket!)-$2.67
I got back $9.00 in up rewards, will be getting back $2.50 for the pens, and getting back 2.00 Check for the body wash. So, they paid me $10.83 to take it all home!!
What I got...
4 Cottonelle Toilet Paper 12 pks-
reg. 11.49each sale 6.49 each
1 Huggies Diapers-
reg. 11.99 sale 8.99
Before coupons and sales- $57.95
After Sales- $34.95
Total After coupons and total paid- $15.45
Getting back $10.00 Check and got a 2.00 Up reward making it essentially $3.45 total!