Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Wegmans Grocery Trip 4/26/11

Went to Wegmans for some grocery-hole fillers! Heres how I did...

What we got..

5 Coke 2 liters- 1.00 each
3 Small birdseye veggies- 1.00 each
2 Big bags birdseye veggies- 1.99 each
1 5lb Sugar- 2.59
1 loaf of bread- .79
1 Dozen eggs- 1.39
1 Oscar Mayer Carv. board ham- 3.29
1 Almond breeze almond milk- 3.99
1 Simply mac and cheese-3.49
1 String Cheese- 1.79
1 Ball park hot dogs 2.00
1 Deli Style Mozzarella - 2.69
1 Danonino kids yogurt packs- 1.99
1 Digiorno Pizza- 4.99
1 Jimmy Dean Griddlers- 3.89
8 Tony's pizzas- .99 each
3 hot pockets- 1.99 each
1 Superpretzel cheese filled bites- 1.99
3 Smart ones breakfasts- 1.99 each
1 Tyson boneless wings- 2.99
2 Kid cuisines 1.89 each
2 Voila meals-3.69 each
1 Welchs grape jelly-1.79
3 Chefboyardee whole grain meals- .79 each
1 Betty Crocker cookie mix-1.39
1 Minute white rice- 1.89
1 Snikkidy fries snack- 2.00
1 Pepperidge farm snack crackers- 2.99
1 Uncle bens rice- 1.59
4 Goya beans- .67 each
1 Lays chips-2.49
1 Fruitables juice box packs- 2.49
1 PeterPan peanut butter-1.89
1 (1.16lb) bananas- .57

59 items
Before Sales and coupons-$ 119.40
After sales before coupons-$112.17
After Coupons-$ 51.90